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IRVINE, California (November 25, 2024) – In pursuit of global technological and clinical excellence, Aurora Technology and Healthcare Global Holding Corp, manufacturer of the Aurora® 1.5Tesla Dedicated Breast MRI System and global healthcare provider, today announced that a world-renowned healthcare leader is added to its Senior Advisory Board – Mr. James Roosevelt Jr.

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With the recent stock donation, Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital will wisely use its resources and continue to collaborate with Aurora, creating more beautiful stories and bringing hope and care to those in need.


Screening and early diagnosis are the most effective ways to reduce breast cancer mortality. For more than 30 years, the developed countries in the West have established a mature breast cancer screening system based on mammography where the detection rate of breast cancer can reach 8/1000, resulting in better survival.


Beijing Love Book Cancer Foundation and Aurora Healthcare US Corp are pleased to announce their partnership to build a comprehensive breast cancer care eco-system for the wellness of women, breast cancer patients and their families.


Aurora Medical Technology Hong Kong (Aurora-HK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) are pleased to announce the completion of a landmark collaboration agreement leveraging the shared interests and diverse expertise of the two entities.


April 20, 2020: Ms. Olivia Ho Cheng, founder and CEO of Aurora Healthcare US Corp (“Aurora”) today announced that Dr. Ming Geng will assume the Chairperson position of the recently inaugurated “Aurora Care Foundation” (ACF).

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Olivia Ho Cheng, Chief Executive Officer of Aurora Healthcare US Corporation is invited to be a member of Hainan University (HNU) International Advisory Board (IAB,) it was announced by President Qingming Luo recently. Ms. Ho Cheng will attend the inaugural meeting on March 30 and 31 on campus of Hainan University in Haikou, China.


On a rare bright and sunny morning of January 19, 2019 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, there were three significant signing ceremonies. These were watershed moments of a new era of healthcare delivery for humanity.


The information technology and technological advancements are transforming the global
health care ways and means. Standing on this underpinning, three major entities, UNNC, Aurora and SCTC, each with deep connections to United Kingdom, United States and China,
respectively, signed an MOU collaborate on global healthcare delivery. on the day where UNNC launched on its campus the “Nottingham China Health Institute”.


This October, the 8th U.S.-China Health Forum themed Healthy China, Healthy Sichuan was held in Jinjiang hotel, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, hosted  by Health and Family Planning Commission of Sichuan Province and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College.


Danvers, October 1, 2018

Aurora Mobile


Since 2010, Aurora has successfully rolled out the dedicated breast MRI mobile service in the US.  The US breast MRI mobile units are joint efforts between Aurora and US medical mobile makers such as OSHKOSH, Ellis & Watts and SMIT.  In 2018, we successfully completed our collaboration with European mobile maker Lamboo Medical Mobile in Netherlands to produce a more compacted mobile unit (40 feet vs. 48 feet US size) permissible for China's transportation guideline.


The 7th U.S.-China Health Summit (the Summit) Boston Section gathered U.S. and Chinese healthcare leaders to discuss advancement, challenges and opportunities in healthcare. The event was held on September 15, at Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School, where senior managers of healthcare companies, renowned scholars, and hospital executives from both U.S. and China were in attendance.

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