Shaoping Deng President, Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital
Shaoping Deng is President of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital. He has been dedicated to the research of organ transplantation and diabetes for 27 years, with outstanding clinical and scientific achievements. He has published over 100 articles in international journals, including Natural Medicine, The Journal of Clinical Investigation, Diabetes, Transplantation Proceedings.
Dr. Deng serves as editorial board member of Diabetes, American Journal
of Transplantation, Transplant International, Xenotransplantation, Chinese Hospital CEO and judge of The National Natural Science Fund. He is widely recognized as the academic authority of organ transplantation, especially pancreatic islets transplantation in diabetes treatment.
After returning to China in 2009, Dr. Deng put forward the concept of medical conjoined trusteeship model for hierarchical medical system to carry out hospital management. He promoted "medical treatment + Internet” for hospital to join the initiative health industry alliance (the only public hospital). He is committed to creating patients-centered medical environment with pervasive, fair and public welfare medical resources, leading hospital staff to respond to the call of national medical reform and constantly opening up a new pattern of hospital reform and development.